4WD conversion kit

Le forum des pistes Carlsson ( Suède )
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Inscription : 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
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4WD conversion kit

Message par tomolupus » 15 Sep 2010, 21:56

If you had a Carlsson Viking 4WS and you wanted 4WD.
You could save money here to and buy the conversion kit.
Kit No 5428 with front differential for your on-road car, or Kit No 5429 without front differential for your off-road car.
The instructions are an exploded view with almost no text that shows how to assemble it and where you should drill the new holes in your old chassis.

I am going to use this kit to build a Carlsson Viking 4WS 4WD GB when I get all the parts.
Dernière édition par tomolupus le 29 Mars 2013, 11:20, édité 1 fois.

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Messages : 76
Inscription : 01 Jan 1970, 01:00

Message par dom03 » 16 Sep 2010, 21:53

good morning,
I have a carlson 2Wd, but me i dont no a tank fuel, you could say to me or I can find one
Thank you, salutations


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