Very unique Landjump 4D ! maybe the first one, could be a prototype, looks very different

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Another strange thing is the K&B sticker on the radio box and the Enya 21 X mounted on the car ....victorsaab a écrit :Hehe, ton traducteur automatique ne fonctionné pas![]()
I assume it's a proto for several reasons;
First, bumpers are cut as I do with my vintage cars to run with them. No injected bumper.
Second, the rear trays for the roll cage are machined, not injected. There are other machining parts.
And third, the front suspension has no springs![]()
But cool anyway
Yep was just funy to have the K&B sticker and the Enya 21X mouted on...and keep postingvictorsaab a écrit :I knew this forum time ago.
But I didn't join it due to the language.
In my case I can partly understand french but I'm only able to write a few words.
I readed the internal rules and I did not see any restriction related to the language.
And I thought it was possible automatic translation into french for english language users.
I honesty think this is a very interesting site as simonsg says, due to its cumulated experience and its content. There are other sites but no so complete in so many aspects.
Of course it's possible an internal rule where you can only speak french and all of us will leave the site, this is usual even in forums in Spain to avoid reading catalan, basc and other local languages. Earnest, I think it would be a loose for us but also for you.
And please take into account that most of us are already writting in a foreign language.
And Simonsg, the Enya engine does no fit with the Landi but really is from those years. All Robbe Expert/Racing came with such engines. In fact one of them is in my runner Landi now
I come from Spain, and living in Barcelona. Here while in a meeting we change from spanish to catalan, english if required and -why not- even german. But unfortunately I had no opportunity to learn frenchBullitwist a écrit :From what country are you ?
Bullitwist a écrit :Hello Mar1,
have you seen that : where is located the tank?
Some parts are still direct from sheets or square of AU4G, then for the final product end 1980/begining1981 they're made from cast aluminium.
May be only a model for show and pictures ?
Ça sera fait
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